720 030 742
5:30 – 22:00


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République tchèque

province Ústí nad Labem
code postal 435 42
Podkrušnohorská 131

Méthodes de paiement

Espèces Paiement par carte DKV UTA

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Boutique Parking

  google places 4.6

Carburant Prix
A95 37,59 CZK/l
Дизелово гориво Diesel 34,59 CZK/l
Газ Пропан Бутан LPG 16,59 CZK/l
Diesel Premium 35,59 CZK/l

prix mis à jour à 18.05.2024г. 14:18

Martin Kapoun
Google Places© на 24.04.2022

Super pumpa , nejlevnější benzín na Mostecku , jinde netankuji

Jan Kopecký
Google Places© на 26.03.2022

Cheapest gasoline in the area.

Kučera Zdeněk
Google Places© на 05.02.2022

Pleasant operation of cheaper fuel

Milan Kotz
Google Places© на 05.12.2021

Nice staff, great prices.

Robert Linz
Google Places© на 06.06.2021

Really nice service, good prices. As a bead I can say that at the beginning of April 2021 a co-production film was shot here "Victim". My girlfriend fired me and we went to extras. Well, good here, but filming in Roma, Genoa, it was a mess. 85% of the time I he had his mouth wide open and swallowed the remaining 15% deeply.

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